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Shielded MRI rooms
MRI room: Cost-effective shielding
We deliver high performance faraday cages to shield medical rooms. These are used in combination with all big manufactures of MRI systems like Siemens, Philips Medical, General Electric and Toshiba. For this purpose a new mu-copper™ wall-paper system, has been developed. It’s easy to apply in new buildings as well as retrofitting rooms. The warranty on mu-copper systems is 10 year on the foil. Due to the uninterupted fully closed foil, the system is build for the future. The Mucopper system is able of functioning in an extremely wide frequency range.
We can customize our MRI Shielding rooms to your specifications! See more details.
We give you high quality workmanship at prices that might surprise you! Send us your requirements and we will make you a price proposal.
Solutions for noise levels in MRI environments
With the introduction of more powerful gradient coilson today’s high field MRI scanners, MRI equipment is producing increasingly high noise levels. During a typicalscan sequence, many newer MRI systems will produce average sound pressure levels (SPL) as high as 100 to 110 dBA, with peak levels of 120 dB. These high scanner noise levels can interfere with patient comfort, patienttechnician communication and staff working efficiency. During a scanning procedure, the patient is located at the epicenter of the resonator module (which is comprised of the magnet, RF and gradient coils).
While the patient is exposed to the noise for only a short time, technicians and other staff are subjected to long-term noise exposure. Moreover, the noise can travel from the MRI room into adjoining rooms and corridors, thereby disturbing
other building occupants. Consequently, acoustic shielding or suppression is required in many newer MRI installations, particularly in such sites as:
- New building complexes where adjacent suites will be affected
- Older facilities that were not originally intended for MRI
- Hospitals and clinics, for which noise suppression specifications often exist
The first step in planning for acoustic shielding is to gain an understanding of noise sources and sound transmission.
Sound Transmission Loss (STL) and Sound Transmission Class (STC)
The following descriptions of airborne and structure-borne noise, Sound Transmission Loss (STL) and Sound Transmission Class (STC) ratings will help you to better understand acoustic principles as you plan for sound abatement in your MRI suite and adjoining areas. Airborne and Structureborne Noise. From a given MRI scanner, noise may be generated through two acoustic transmissions:
- the air (airborne noise) and/or
- the building structure (structureborne noise)
Airborne noise is created when the magnet produces a high-energy Sound Pressure Level (SPL) that excites the air within the MRI room. This action is similar to that of a powerful loudspeaker. Airborne noise may be transmitted into surrounding rooms by reflecting off of surfaces, or by escaping through openings such as seams, small holes, HVAC ducts, waveguide entrances, penetration panels, and cracks. The noise can travel great distances.
Structure-borne noise
Structure-borne noise is carried through solid structures rather than through the air. Also called gradient noise, structure-borne noise occurs when gradient coils in the scanner cause mechanical excitation of the floor or building structure, which in turn causes the building to vibrate. The vibration of the surfaces in surrounding spaces then radiates as acoustic noise. The noise concern can be further complicated when the MRI system is installed in an elevated floor condition. Like airborne noise, structure-borne noise can travel great distances.
Due to our know how of managing sound and vibrations we can offer technical solutions for all kind of accoustic shielding. Think also about Emergency genorators, compressors, pups and other technical equipment.